Full Example of FastAPI with Aync Database and Endpoints¶
You can find this in the examples folder of the repository.
Install dependencies¶
pip install dsg_lib[all] tqdm
Make App¶
Copy the fastapi code below after installing. (assumption is main.py)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Author: Mike Ryan
Date: 2024/05/16
License: MIT
import datetime
import secrets
import time
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from fastapi import Body, FastAPI, Query
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
# from loguru import logger
# import logging as logger
from . import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Select, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from tqdm import tqdm
from dsg_lib.async_database_functions import (
from dsg_lib.common_functions import logging_config
from dsg_lib.fastapi_functions import system_health_endpoints # , system_tools_endpoints
logging_level="INFO", log_serializer=False, log_name="log.log"
# Create a DBConfig instance
config = {
# "database_uri": "postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:postgres@postgresdb/postgres",
"database_uri": "sqlite+aiosqlite:///:memory:?cache=shared",
"echo": False,
"future": True,
# "pool_pre_ping": True,
# "pool_size": 10,
# "max_overflow": 10,
"pool_recycle": 3600,
# "pool_timeout": 30,
# create database configuration
db_config = database_config.DBConfig(config)
# Create an AsyncDatabase instance
async_db = async_database.AsyncDatabase(db_config)
# Create a DatabaseOperations instance
db_ops = database_operations.DatabaseOperations(async_db)
class User(base_schema.SchemaBaseSQLite, async_db.Base):
User table storing user details like first name, last name, and email
__tablename__ = "users"
__table_args__ = {
"comment": "User table storing user details like first name, last name, and email"
first_name = Column(String(50), unique=False, index=True) # First name of the user
last_name = Column(String(50), unique=False, index=True) # Last name of the user
email = Column(
String(200), unique=True, index=True, nullable=True
) # Email of the user, must be unique
addresses = relationship(
"Address", order_by="Address.pkid", back_populates="user"
) # Relationship to the Address class
class Address(base_schema.SchemaBaseSQLite, async_db.Base):
Address table storing address details like street, city, and zip code
__tablename__ = "addresses"
__table_args__ = {
"comment": "Address table storing address details like street, city, and zip code"
street = Column(String(200), unique=False, index=True) # Street of the address
city = Column(String(200), unique=False, index=True) # City of the address
zip = Column(String(50), unique=False, index=True) # Zip code of the address
user_id = Column(
String(36), ForeignKey("users.pkid")
) # Foreign key to the User table
user = relationship(
"User", back_populates="addresses"
) # Relationship to the User class
async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
logger.info("starting up")
# Create the tables in the database
await async_db.create_tables()
create_users = True
if create_users:
await create_a_bunch_of_users(single_entry=2000, many_entries=20000)
logger.info("shutting down")
await async_db.disconnect()
logger.info("database disconnected")
print("That's all folks!")
# Create an instance of the FastAPI class
app = FastAPI(
title="FastAPI Example", # The title of the API
description="This is an example of a FastAPI application using the DevSetGo Toolkit.", # A brief description of the API
version="0.1.0", # The version of the API
docs_url="/docs", # The URL where the API documentation will be served
redoc_url="/redoc", # The URL where the ReDoc documentation will be served
openapi_url="/openapi.json", # The URL where the OpenAPI schema will be served
debug=True, # Enable debug mode
middleware=[], # A list of middleware to include in the application
routes=[], # A list of routes to include in the application
lifespan=lifespan, # this is the replacement for the startup and shutdown events
async def root():
Root endpoint of API
Redrects to openapi document
# redirect to openapi docs
logger.info("Redirecting to OpenAPI docs")
response = RedirectResponse(url="/docs")
return response
config_health = {
"enable_status_endpoint": True,
"enable_uptime_endpoint": True,
"enable_heapdump_endpoint": True,
async def create_a_bunch_of_users(single_entry=0, many_entries=0):
logger.info(f"single_entry: {single_entry}")
await async_db.create_tables()
# Create a list to hold the user data
# Create a loop to generate user data
for _ in tqdm(range(single_entry), desc="executing one"):
value = secrets.token_hex(16)
user = User(
logger.info(f"created_users: {user}")
await db_ops.create_one(user)
users = []
# Create a loop to generate user data
for i in tqdm(range(many_entries), desc="executing many"):
value_one = secrets.token_hex(4)
value_two = secrets.token_hex(8)
user = User(
logger.info(f"created_users: {user.first_name}")
# Use db_ops to add the users to the database
await db_ops.create_many(users)
@app.get("/database/get-primary-key", tags=["Database Examples"])
async def table_primary_key():
logger.info("Getting primary key of User table")
pk = await db_ops.get_primary_keys(User)
logger.info(f"Primary key of User table: {pk}")
return {"pk": pk}
@app.get("/database/get-column-details", tags=["Database Examples"])
async def table_column_details():
logger.info("Getting column details of User table")
columns = await db_ops.get_columns_details(User)
logger.info(f"Column details of User table: {columns}")
return {"columns": columns}
@app.get("/database/get-tables", tags=["Database Examples"])
async def table_table_details():
logger.info("Getting table names")
tables = await db_ops.get_table_names()
logger.info(f"Table names: {tables}")
return {"table_names": tables}
@app.get("/database/get-count", tags=["Database Examples"])
async def get_count():
logger.info("Getting count of users")
count = await db_ops.count_query(Select(User))
logger.info(f"Count of users: {count}")
return {"count": count}
@app.get("/database/get-all", tags=["Database Examples"])
async def get_all(offset: int = 0, limit: int = Query(100, le=100000, ge=1)):
logger.info(f"Getting all users with offset {offset} and limit {limit}")
records = await db_ops.read_query(Select(User).offset(offset).limit(limit))
logger.info(f"Retrieved {len(records)} users")
return {"records": records}
@app.get("/database/get-one-record", tags=["Database Examples"])
async def read_one_record(record_id: str):
logger.info(f"Reading one record with id {record_id}")
record = await db_ops.read_one_record(Select(User).where(User.pkid == record_id))
logger.info(f"Record with id {record_id}: {record}")
return record
class UserBase(BaseModel):
first_name: str
last_name: str
email: EmailStr
class UserCreate(UserBase):
@app.post("/database/create-one-record", status_code=201, tags=["Database Examples"])
async def create_one_record(new_user: UserCreate):
logger.info(f"Creating one record: {new_user}")
user = User(**new_user.dict())
record = await db_ops.create_one(user)
logger.info(f"Created record: {record}")
return record
@app.post("/database/create-many-records", status_code=201, tags=["Database Examples"])
async def create_many_records(number_of_users: int = Query(100, le=1000, ge=1)):
logger.info(f"Creating {number_of_users} records")
t0 = time.time()
users = []
# Create a loop to generate user data
for i in tqdm(range(number_of_users), desc="executing many"):
value_one = secrets.token_hex(4)
value_two = secrets.token_hex(8)
user = User(
logger.info(f"Created user: {user.first_name}")
# Use db_ops to add the users to the database
await db_ops.create_many(users)
t1 = time.time()
process_time = format(t1 - t0, ".4f")
logger.info(f"Created {number_of_users} records in {process_time} seconds")
return {"number_of_users": number_of_users, "process_time": process_time}
@app.put("/database/update-one-record", status_code=200, tags=["Database Examples"])
async def update_one_record(
id: str = Body(
description="UUID to update",
first_name: str = Body(..., examples=["Agent"]),
last_name: str = Body(..., examples=["Smith"]),
email: str = Body(..., examples=["jim@something.com"]),
logger.info(f"Updating one record with id {id}")
# adding date_updated to new_values as it is not supported in sqlite \
# and other database may not either.
new_values = {
"first_name": first_name,
"last_name": last_name,
"email": email,
"date_updated": datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc),
record = await db_ops.update_one(table=User, record_id=id, new_values=new_values)
logger.info(f"Updated record with id {id}")
return record
@app.delete("/database/delete-one-record", status_code=200, tags=["Database Examples"])
async def delete_one_record(record_id: str = Body(...)):
logger.info(f"Deleting one record with id {record_id}")
record = await db_ops.delete_one(table=User, record_id=record_id)
logger.info(f"Deleted record with id {record_id}")
return record
tags=["Database Examples"],
async def delete_many_records(
id_values: list = Body(...), id_column_name: str = "pkid"
logger.info(f"Deleting many records with ids {id_values}")
record = await db_ops.delete_many(
table=User, id_column_name="pkid", id_values=id_values
logger.info(f"Deleted records with ids {id_values}")
return record
tags=["Database Examples"],
async def read_list_of_records(
offset: int = Query(0, le=1000, ge=0), limit: int = Query(100, le=10000, ge=1)
logger.info(f"Reading list of records with offset {offset} and limit {limit}")
records = await db_ops.read_query(Select(User), offset=offset, limit=limit)
records_list = []
for record in records:
logger.info(f"Read list of records: {records_list}")
return records_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=5000)
Run Code¶
In the console (linux) run the code below. Open browser to to see app.
python3 main.py